Children's Miracle Network


The philanthropy behind Phi Delta Epsilon is Children's National Miracle Hospitals. Every academic school year we pride ourselves with raising over $1,000 that we fully donate to CNMH. The hospital that receives our donations is the Children's National Medical Center of Washington, D.C. Located only twenty minutes away from American University, Children's National Medical Center of D.C cares for a large amount of children undergoing a broad range of treatments.

This hospital is ranked in the top 20 of the nation in their medical prowess, and continues to save lives day in and day out. Because of this wonderful hospital many children are able to see a betterment in their overall quality of life, and this is something Phi Delta Epsilon D.C Beta is tremendously proud to donate to. Each semester we host a variety of events to continue gifting the CNMH. Our hallmark event of the fall is an Anatomy Fashion Show, which is designed to educate the public on the systems of the human body but also for entertainment. In the fall we also organize a Stand for the Kids event to bring greater awarenesses to the ailments that some patients of the Children's National Medical Center are undergoing. In the spring PhiDE continues to raise for CNMH by Krispy Kreme Fundraisers, Eaglethon, and hosting events at local restaurants. 

As future physicians we all share the urge to want to help others in whatever capacity that we can. And in representing a premedical fraternity, being able to give to help the children receiving treatment at CNMH is something that we love to do. Individually we all task ourselves to do better than what we have done in the past, and to make sure to do our parts as future physicians in progressing patient care. We have the fiery aspiration of fundraising for Children's and this is something that we plan to grow on in years to come! 

Donate to Children's here