Why PhiDE?

Dear Premedical Students,

As a student at American University, you will encounter a wealth of opportunities with which you may use to enrich your undergraduate experience. As you seek out what excites you on campus, we encourage you to look at Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity.

Phi Delta Epsilon, or PhiDE, is an international fraternity for premedical and medical students and physicians that was founded in 1904 at Cornell University Medical College. Because we at DC Beta limit our membership to students with premedical requirements, PhiDE is unique in the fraternity community. Limiting our membership to these subjects draws together outstanding students with similar academic and career goals as well as provides a crucial network of mentorship and support. However, we do not have a major requirement for membership, so as long as you are enrolled in pre-medical classes, you are eligible.

PhiDE is serious about scholarship and our members are focused on preparing themselves for their future careers whilst simultaneously achieving academic success. Importantly however, PhiDE seeks to offer a balanced lifestyle of academic, social, and service-oriented experiences to aid you in becoming a well-rounded medical professional.

Our recruitment is designed to fit the attitudes and lifestyles of all types of college students and includes a variety of fun and casual activities to give you the opportunity to meet chapter members and become acquainted with the medical community. Fraternity recruitment begins the first couple weeks of the semester. Through a wide variety of events, PhiDE will share the meaning of our brotherhood -- all in an attempt to get to know you and for you to get to know us. It is a relaxed setting where you can ask whatever questions you feel pertinent, such as finance, scholarship, activities, and time commitment.

We can’t wait to meet you.


Phi Delta Epsilon, DC Beta Chapter
American University

Contact VP of Recruitment,
Emmalene Kurtis at auphiderecruitment@gmail.com

Recruitment 2020

Are you pre-med? Our Fall 2020 recruitment season is right around the corner!

Recruitment Requirements:

  • Demonstrating the values of PhiDE (philanthropy, deity, equity & education)

  • Must attend at least 2 open recruitment events and be invited back to closed recruitment events (must attend all closed recruitment events)

  • Be able to make a realistic time commitment to the organization each week

  • 3.2 GPA or above

  • Cannot be a first semester student, Post Bac, second semester senior

  • Intent to attend allopathic or osteopathic medical school

  • All majors are welcome, though the prospective member must be enrolled in/have intent to enroll in pre-medical courses

***If you are currently ineligible for recruitment (first semester student, grades, etc.), but are interested in our chapter, a great opportunity for involvement is attending or participating in our Fall Anatomy Fashion Show. Talk to our members, learn about bodily systems/diseases, have fun!